What travel options are available to the modern traveler? Firstly, you can book a tour to the place you want. Flight, hotel, and transfer are already included in the price and you don’t need to worry about anything.
Another way of traveling is more individual – you buy a plane ticket, reserve a room at the hotel and plan the route of your upcoming trip by yourself. Plus, you can rent a car for travel – this will make your trip more flexible.
For example, if you want to go to the Colorado ski resorts, then with Payless car rental Denver airport it’s easier than ever. You just fill out the search form and get your car. This type of travel will greatly diversify your trip and make it truly memorable.
But what awaits us in the future? Experts predict that soon travelers will be able to enjoy new forms of mass tourism. Of course you will also have the opportunity to pick up a Payless car rental Denver airport or anywhere else if necessary. Well, let’s try to find out what travel options will be available in the future…
Personalized hotel rooms

Very soon, standard hotel rooms will be a thing of the past – the room will literally adapt to each guest. Hotel software will exchange data with the traveler’s digital devices, expanding the range of available services infinitely.
Already today, the Peninsula Hong Kong Hotel customers are using personalized tablets to adjust lighting, room temperature and switch TV channels. At the same time, guests of Hilton hotels with the new Conrad Concierge smartphone application can choose breakfast from the restaurant menu during their morning run.
The key trend of the future will be the care of the lodger’s health. Among the useful innovations that are already being developed are massage pillows, pajamas with sensors for measuring blood sugar, chromotherapy lighting in the room and galvanic panels in showers that allow adjusting the temperature, volume of water and even the content of vitamin C in it.
Technological progress will give travelers new opportunities for entertainment and communication: the walls in the hotel rooms will become interactive and will broadcast movies, images, family photos and video messages from friends. The first room with such walls has already been presented by the Spanish design studio Serrano Brothers.
Space trips

In the near future, the opportunity to feel like an astronaut will cease to be the prerogative of billionaires – by 2024 much more people will be able to realize their childhood dreams. Of course, we are still not talking about mass flights to Mars. However, today a number of companies are actively working to make flights in low Earth orbit more accessible, during which tourists can find themselves in a state of zero gravity for several minutes.
Very soon, World View Enterprises will send passengers 30 kilometers above the Earth’s surface in an airtight cabin installed under a high-tech helium balloon. It will be possible to see the Earth from space for about $75,000.
For those who would like to go into space, but are not ready for sky-high prices, the Mobilona Space Hotel will be created. Possessing resorts with zero gravity and an observatory located on Earth, the hotel will show guests the universe through its windows and make it feel weightless in the Earth.
Space innovations will also affect aviation, drastically reducing flight time through the use of low Earth orbit. For example, the Virgin Galactic ship will allow passengers to go around the Earth in just 2.5 hours.
Underwater hotel rooms

Underwater tourism will be no less exciting, but more affordable travel option than space travel. Underwater hotel rooms already exist as a new niche and destination in tourism: a prime example is the luxury rooms at Atlantis Hotel in Dubai. By 2024, other completely submerged hotels will appear, and underwater vacations will become a widespread tourist offer.
The first such hotel – The Water Discus Hotel – will open soon at a depth of 9 meters. The hotel will have a spa, garden and pool, and guests can go out with diving equipment.
Journeys to points of war and closed countries

According to the assumptions of futurologists and travel experts, trips to countries and regions that became inaccessible as a result of conflicts or political isolation will become popular by 2024. Such countries as Afghanistan, North Korea and Iran can become especially often-visited: travelers will want to be the first to visit spots where their friends have never been.
Another trend will be trips to the habitats of endangered species of animals – many will seek to see what may soon disappear. This type of tourism won’t be widespread, but it will attract the necessary money to preserve these species.
Another trend in alternative travel will be the exchange of houses, when people begin to massively rent out their homes for travelers from other countries, allowing them to feel the full rhythm of local life.